Friday, October 21, 2011

'Fall' into Special Offers at the Salon this Season

My goal as a hairstylist is to provide my clients with quality service at an affordable price. Looks aren't everything, but they can alter the way you feel about yourself. As your stylist -I want you to look and feel gorgeous; (or handsome, sorry guys). I don't ever want you gals to feel like you have to push your roots to maximum capacity because money may be tight and I understand that even with your prettiest face of makeup and cutest outfit -it can never overcompensate for evident regrowth. Guys, don't let those necklines get too shaggy -my prices are reasonable for you too. It makes you look more dapper and as your stylist, when you look good...I look good :) Hence more business and more speicals I am able to offer for my loyal clients. I will continue to post specials as often as possible and I will run them beginning now through the Holiday Season. Trick or Treat ;)